Life-style & Homoeopathy

Seven Common Mistakes we Make While Managing Diabetes

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Diabetes Mellitus, when life does not remain as sweeter as we were finding it earlier. In fact, it is a disease indicating much lack of sweetness in life and now expressing biologically in the form metabolic disorder manifesting array of symptoms everywhere in body. It is of three types:


  • Diabetes Mellitus Type 1: It is seen mostly in young children. It is due to the lack of insulin production from beta cells of pancreas. The cause of it mostly due some genetic reasons and auto-immune reactions occurred sometime in womb or after birth.


  • Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: This is a condition in which the body becomes resistant to the normal effects of insulin and can gradually lose its capacity to produce enough insulin in the pancreas. Mostly associated with changes in lifestyle factors. It has following sub-types:


  • Severe Insulin-Deficient Diabetes (SIDD): Amongst all Type2 cases, it has a share of 26.2% cases. It is second most prevalent and such persons have relatively low BMI and waist size. Always show high HbA1c levels and most prone to the risk retinopathy.


  • Insulin Resident Obese Diabetes (IROD): Amongst all Type2 cases, it has a share of 25.9% cases. Here, insulin resistance and deficiency both is present. High BMI and waist size. And having increased risk for diabetic kidney disease.


  • Combined Insulin Resistant and Deficient Diabetes (CIRDD): Amongst all Type2 cases, it has a share of 12.1% cases. It is the lowest number of cases and has an early age onset. Keeping high triglycerides and low HDL levels. These are more prone to both retinal and kidney complications.


  • Mild Age-related Diabetes (MARD): Amongst all Type2 cases, it has a share of 35.8% cases. Older persons having highest HDL levels and well-preserved C-peptides. A mild diabetic less prone to complications.


Diabetes Mellitus Type 3: It is a title that has been proposed for Alzheimer’s disease which results from resistance to insulin in the brain. It is not yet a medical term or a recognized condition, but is a term now used in research looking into the causes of Alzheimer’s disease.


Common Mistakes done by diabetics: Which type of diabetes are you suffering from? Once you mistake your type then you mistake on medications, diet, exercise and life-style to be followed. In this article, I am telling about the 7 mistakes in exercise.


Exercise: This is the particular way of activity to influence your body, mind and metabolism. Here are most common mistakes about it. Here are 7 Common exercise mistakes in diabetes management:

  1. Mistaking activities with exercise: On advising exercise to such patients, they have instant excuse that we walk a lot in home or taking household work as exercise. No, it is not. The activities for which you are used to is not exercise as it cannot further influence your system. So, do it as per the advice. Moreover, exercise means strength, flexibility and stamina. All three needs different exercises. For flexibility do Yoga, need to build muscles the do weights and resistance band exercises and for stamina do cardio-based exercises.
  2. Getting over enthusiastic: Your excitement for exercising might lead you to too much too soon. Listen to your body and know when to back off from overworking your body. Muscles building is most important in the management of diabetes but muscles grow in millimeters so will take months to grow. And, muscles need rest to grow.
  3. Choose your exercises: To start with, look into you and perceive which exercise regime you love to go for and start accordingly. It takes a lot of planning to execute a successful workout routine and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Have rhythm: Our body has a biological clock, circadian rhythm, which ensures the time of all kinds of activities and sleeping. So, any time is not exercise time. You better do it at the right time for better results.
  5. Have a coach: A common mistake people do while exercising is to not do it right. Not exercising in the right posture and form can damage your body.
  6. Not resting: You may start your exercise routine to lose weight, but not giving your body rest is harmful. Resting well and enough is important for the muscles to heal itself after all the stress.
  7. Have Body Composition Machine: They like weight machines but tell you about your BMI, BMR, visceral fat, body fat, muscles mass etc. apart from weight


Monitoring regime: Not keeping a check on sugar levels then how will you know exercise has good and bad effects; it may help you lose weight but fluctuate your sugar levels as well. It is important that you monitor sugar levels at 4 times, fasting, 2 hours after breakfast, lunch and dinner (F, PP1, PP2, PP3). How would you calculate two hours? You must note the time as soon as you start eating till two hours is time to check your PP sugar. It is advisable to invest in a glucometer which can help monitor your blood sugar levels. They come with their apps.

The benefit of connectivity via diabetes management app is that it can help you get instant check reminders, and alert members or your doctor when blood sugar levels drop. The price of glucometer may vary from brand to brand, weigh and compare before buying.


Treatment Protocol: It will be as per your type of diabetes the treatment will be planned. Apart from main-stream medical regime, it is advisable to adopt Homoeopathic Treatment Protocol. It will help lower the other medicine and prevent complications due diabetes.



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