Life-style & HomoeopathyOther


Reading Time: 21 minutes


Skin means the animals’ hide. Skin is the largest organ in the human body, with a surface area of around 2metre square. Its thickness varies from 0.5mm on our eyelids to 4mm or more on the soles of our feet. About 16% of our body weight is made up of skin. The average area of skin is 1.8m2. If you took an area of skin that measures 6cm2 it would contain around 20 blood vessels, 600 sweat glands & 60,000 melanocytes.

Scientific research has proved that sponges has skin, even if they have no other organs- and this in turn demonstrated that the skin was the first organ to evolve some 635 million years ago. Those primitive sponges had ‘skin’, but being marine creatures, their skin was not called upon to perform the roles of UV and skin protection. So as animal skin evolved, it took on additional functions that were necessary in non-marine environments.

There is a saying that even walls needs openings for dreams to escape. Skin understands this. The porous nature of this 2mm thick wall of separation ensures that our bodies are always open and ready to receive ‘messages’ from environment.

Skin essentially has two layers: epidermis and dermis. The surface layer, the epidermis, contains cells called keratinocytes, which migrate up from the basal layer and create the epidermis, a ‘dead’ (devoid of blood supply) layer. It acts as a wall and prevents the entry of bacteria/microbes, while also preventing the loss of essential water, electrolytes and proteins. The dermis, or the deeper skin layer, has hair follicles, sweat glands, oil glands and collagen. It maintains strength and elasticity and regulates temperature via blood vessels and sweat glands.

The dermis develops from the outer ectodermal layer (some people refer to this layer as ‘neuroectoderm’,as it also gives rise to the neural crest, and therefore nerves). There is the interaction between mind and skin. The two disciplines are interconnected at the embryonal level through ectoderm. There is a complex interplay between skin and the neuroendocrine and immune systems. Skin responds to both endogenous and exogenous stimuli; it senses and integrates environmental cues and transmits intrinsic conditions to the outside world. Skin changes itself completely every 28 days!

Research has shown that skin diseases are precipitated or exacerbated by psychological stress. Patients experience a clear and chronological association between stress and exacerbation. Examples in this category include atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and acne.

While the dermis, which contains blood vessels and hair follicles, develops from the middle mesodermal layer. In general, structures that give architectural strength are derived from the mesoderm. The endoderm usually develops into internal, especially digestive, organ.

The top layer of skin epidermis is inherently ‘dead’ as it gets no direct blood supply. Cells in the epidermis generally have origin in the basal layer, and as they divide, they migrate upwards, towards the outside surface of skin. As this movement takes place, they are filled with a dry protein called keratin which is what makes up both hair and nails. During this stage that keratin is formed, an oily lipid-complex (composed of layers of fatty acids) is formed, which spreads between cells to form a barrier layer.

Skin has functions of evaporation/excretion and inspiration/absorption. In addition to being an absorptive barrier, the skin’s primary functions are sensory- touch, pain and thermoregulation. While the former makes skin a sensory organ, the human ability to sweat gives it the ability to control body temperature.

Speaking of chemistry, Carl Jung once said “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances. If there is any reaction, both are transformed”. The pH (Potential of Hydrogen) of the blood is regulated by the body in the range of 7.35 to 7.45. However, the pH of adult human skin is 5.5. When a body is born, its pH is around 7 and this turns progressively more acidic in order to protect the tender infant skin from infections. When a child reaches puberty, due to hormone changes, the skin is more susceptible to bacterial & fungal infections (from acne & increased sweating etc). In some ways, the development of bodily hair at puberty is a skin defence mechanism; as more sebaceous glands become active, it leads to more oil (sebum) production. This combination of oil and sweat decreases the pH of skin to 5.5 an acid environment that is inherently hostile to bacteria. Some people refer to this change in skin at puberty as the development of an ‘ACID MANTLE’. Hyloronic acid is the main acid gives the skin protection from all kind of fungal infections.

This has some practical implication: ordinary soaps are generally very alkaline, with pH 9-11. Using soap is therefore not ideal for skin health as it disrupts this acid mantle. So better use soap free cleansers or pH neutral cleansers.


Monsoon is large-scale sea air which occur when the temperature on land is significantly warmer or cooler than the temperature of the ocean. These temperature imbalances happen because oceans and land absorb heat in different ways. Over oceans, the air temperature remains relatively stable for two reasons: water has a relatively high heat power and because both conduction and convection will equilibrate a hot or cold surface with deeper water (up to 50 metres). In contrast, dirt, sand, and rocks have lower heat capacities and they can only transmit heat into the earth by conduction and not by convection. Therefore, bodies of water stay at a more even temperature, while land temperature is more variable.

During warmer months sunlight heats the surfaces of both land and oceans, but land temperatures rise more quickly. As the land’s surface becomes warmer, the air above it expands and an area of low pressure develops. Meanwhile, the ocean remains at a lower temperature than the land, and the air above it retains a higher pressure. This difference in pressure causes sea breezes to blow from the ocean to the land, bringing moist air inland. This moist air rises to a higher altitude over land and then it flows back toward the ocean (thus completing the cycle). However, when the air rises, and while it is still over the land, the air cools. This decreases the air’s ability to hold water, and this causes precipitation over the land. This is why summer monsoons cause so much rain over land.

Skin and Monsoon

Do you know why only few of us succumb to certain ailments while others do manage well in spite of same environmental conditions?

In universe, there is no phenomenon of forgetfulness. Monsoon is like the ocean come to meet all its living creature on land and skin is the one which act as communication link. Skin has to maintain the balance within and without (inside environment and outside environment). Now-a- days, there is lot many imbalances within due to many bio- psycho-social factors (when I say biological means age, sex, food taken etc. Psycho means a personality and social means interpersonal relationship with family, friend and around) commonly called as stress and many more without due to meteoric (environmental) and telluric (earthly) factors commonly called pollution. These bio-psycho-social factors while interacting with environment, through ages, has created our immune mechanism, which is at stake now.

These imbalances lead to various diseases expresses through skin but etiologically speaking is nothing but imbalance-in-total.

Homoeopathy for Skin in Monsoon

What bliss if we take care of all our issues with the help of Homeopathy.
So the monsoon has begun and the soil has spread its fragrance to refresh us after the summer heat. This is the time to really go for outing n feel the bliss of Mother Nature. It’s a lovely weather. Thus to truly have the fun of it we need to have a good health, which we can really have if you give some time to be aware about very basic things and how to deal with it under guidance of a qualified homoeopathic doctor.

As rains begin, it get with it an array of infectious diseases. Due to change in weather certain people find it difficult to adapt to the humidity and can get skin complaints. The causative factors can be getting wet in rains, exposure to dampness, etc.

It’s due to our immune system, “THE FIGHTING MECHANISM OF OUR BODY”. People having compromised immune system are more prone to certain type of ailments depending on their tendencies to get it. That means as no two individuals are alike so also two individuals suffering from the same illness will present with some diagnostic symptoms and some very peculiar symptoms during the state of illness, which decides that persons remedy.

Homoeopathy, being holistic medicine, or to be more precise, an ecological medicine acts as curative as well as preventive way for ailments occurring during monsoon. The homoeopathic medicines drawn from Mother Nature used as it is but in poetized way. These homoeopathic medicines do contain its bio-psycho-social aspect. By way of the principle of homoeopathy “like cures like” the medicines take cares by interacting holistically. But here it is necessary to individualize each person and decide the remedy. Constitutional dose considering the whole person (bio-psycho-social aspect) helps prevent any kind of disease, provided, you follow the other preventive measures.

Thus just open your consciousness to get yourself going with Homeopathy which not only takes care of bothersome symptoms of the disease but also gets back the tremendous feeling of well being.


1. Ringworm

A contagious fungal infection of the skin, ring worms appears as a circular or ring-shaped rash. It usually begins as a small, itchy, red or scaly patch, and can spread to other parts of the body including the scalp. At times, several rings appear close together and merge.
It probably got from an infected person or pet, or touching contaminated toys or clothes. One could have also got it from swimming in a pool or crawling on infected soil in a garden or park. Excessive sweating, caused by the humidity, increases the chances of picking up ringworm.
Make sure you cut your baby’s nails to avoid infecting the rash. Also, try to keep your baby’s skin clean and dry. Try not to dress your baby in clothes with synthetic fabric or material that can irritate the infected skin. If the infection doesn’t clear after four weeks, speak to your doctor.

2. Nail infections

Nails are at risk of fungal infections during the rainy season, especially if your baby sweats and continually scratches himself. Nails can become discoloured, brittle and rough. In severe cases, the nail can come away from the nail bed. You may also notice red, swollen and itchy skin around the nails.
This fungal infection can result from overexposure to water, damage to the nail, or scratching sweaty or infected skin. Any moisture or debris trapped under the nails encourages the infection to grow. Ingrown nails may also be prone to infections.

3. Athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is an infection that looks like a red, itchy and moist rash on the feet. It usually starts at the toes and moves on to other areas of the feet. Other symptoms include a burning sensation, cracked skin, blisters and foul-smelling feet.
It isn’t common in babies and toddlers, but child can get it by running outside barefoot, particularly in the monsoon season. Athlete’s foot flourishes in hot and moist environments like in sweaty shoes or showering areas. It is highly contagious and can spread through contact with an infected surface.

4. Prickly heat rash

A prickly eruptions is a red, pimply eruption that you can easily get in hot and humid weather. This kind of climate may cause you to sweat a lot, causing his skin pores to clog. If the sweat can’t get out then a prickly heat rash develops.
You’ll usually find this rash on neck, under arms, back and on buttoks.
Prickly heat isn’t painful, but can get annoyingly itchy and your baby may be tempted to scratch.
Prickly heat will go in a couple of days, unless the rash gets infected. Dress in cotton clothing and keep cool as much as you can. If the rash doesn’t go away and appears to get worse, you should see your doctor immediately.

5. Diaper or nappy rash

Extremely common in babies, the diaper or rash due to nappy affects your baby’s genitals and skin folds in the thighs and bottom. The basic nappy rash looks red and inflamed. If not treated in time, it can grow into a fungal or bacterial infection. A fungal infection starts with red spots that merge to become big red blotches. If a bacterial infection takes hold, you may see oozing yellow patches or pus-filled pimples.
The main reason for a such rash is wetness from contact with pee or potty. Even if you change your baby’s nappy often, the heat and humidity of the monsoon can cause a nappy rash or aggravate one into a serious skin infection.
Normal nappy rashes take three to four days to clear up. If your baby’s rash persists, spreads or gets worse, then speak to your doctor. Keep your baby’s nappy area dry, and clean it as soon as he dirties the nappy.

6. Eczema

Skin eczema can make your baby’s skin dry, flaky, scaly and itchy. When it flares up, your baby’s skin could also get red and cracked which can sometimes ooze fluid and bleed. The most affected areas are your baby’s hands, face, neck, inner elbows and back of the knees. It can be triggered by humidity, temperature change and exposure to other irritants during the monsoon.
Keep your baby clean, dressed in fresh clothes and moisturised at all times to improve his skin.

7. Scabies

Scabies is a skin condition caused by parasitic mites that spread easily. The condition is extremely contagious, and spreads through skin to skin contact, and any infected material. The rainy season is a perfect time when scabies spreads to various individuals in constant contact with contaminated water. The rash looks like red bumps usually found between fingers, on elbows, armpits, tummy and genitals. It might have inflamed areas filled with small water blisters. You may also find wavy light brown or silvery lines where the mites have burrowed under skin.
The hot and humid monsoon encourages this skin infection to spread. Other members of your family are also at risk of catching scabies.

8. Impetigo

Skin of children is most vulnerable during the rains. Impetigo is one of the most common skin infections in children commonly encountered during this season. It causes red sores that can break open, ooze fluid, and develop a yellow-brown crust. These sores can occur anywhere on the body but most often appear around the mouth and nose. Impetigo is contagious and can spread to others through close contact or by sharing towels, sheets, clothing, toys, or other items. Always get them treated from a doctor at the earliest sign before these become widespread.

Self Health-Tips

Parents, no more singing “rain rain, go away”! This monsoon, boost your child’s immune system and learn how to prevent illnesses in the rainy season. The Monsoon has hit us full force! And while we may enjoy it, sitting in our houses watching it pummel the trees and streets below, we do not always realise that it is furtively pummelling our children’s and our health as well. One of the best joys of childhood is horsing around in the rain. Look back upon your childhood. Surely, you can remember jumping in dirty puddles, floating paper boats in water-logged areas or just generally playing with your friends in the rains.

Simply because getting sick in such weather is such a potent threat, should we just prevent our children from enjoying the rain and forming their own childhood memories? No. Apart from homoeopathic treatment, take the following preventions for your children’s sakes as well as your own and enjoy the joys of the monsoons without suffering through the dangers of it.

Use Water-Resistant Rain Gear

The weather is predictably unpredictable. You never know when it is going to rain. Reduce the chances of your kids getting wet and falling sick by ensuring that they never leave the house without an umbrella or raincoat. Invest in waterproof shoes or rubber shoes. They provide traction and protect your children’s feet and ankles from getting wet. Also, they are easier to dry off.

Load up on Multivitamins

Increasing the intake of Vitamin C and E either in natural form or as food supplement will help you drive away the cold virus faster as it build up the body’s resistance. Vitamin C reduces your kids’ chances of falling sick by charging up their antibodies to fight the cold virus faster. Vitamin E, too, is said to protect the body by reducing the harsh symptoms and effects of the cold virus on the system, making it more bearable and easy to treat

Shower After Being Caught in Rain

Although it sounds very unusual because if you are drenched in rain, you will never want to take another shower. But taking a shower after you have been caught in rain will protect you from many infection. Diseases develop when the body experiences a sudden and extreme drop in temperature, which generally occurs when you get soaked in rain water. Taking a shower after getting wet in the rain, helps the body by stabilising the cold temperature of the body and brings it back to normal by the time you dry off.

Hot Drinks

After you come back home caught in a rain, take a shower, dry yourself and wear dry and clean clothes. The best thing is to make a hot soup for yourself or at least drink a cup of hot milk. This will help you from catching coryza or save you from catching any kind of infection that can occur due to sudden change in the temperature of the body.

Follow a Healthy Diet

Ensure your children partake of a healthy diet containing a good amount of fresh fruit and vegetables rich in Vitamin A, E, C, and B – Complex, phytochemicals, antioxidants and minerals that provide a lot of protective and nutritional value to the body.

Avoid raw foods like salads wherever possible and wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Avoid eating street-side food, especially uncooked foods like sev puri, pani puri, chutney, etc. Limit your favourite road-side stall’s monsoon-special pakoras and masala chais for hygienic reasons.

Make drinking a daily bowl of hot vegetable soup or herbal tea mandatory for your entire family which not only helps normalise their body temperature but also contains nutrients to enhance their immunity


Cleanliness is very important during rainy season..Dirty hands are the primary route that the germs, viruses and bacteria take to enter and harm your child’s immune system. Rain water causes outdoor things to get rusty, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. Because children like to touch everything; and moreover, because hands are used for almost every activity, it is important that your children wash their hands before touching any food. It is also important to wash their faces often to prevent microbes from the hands entering the body via the facial route. Usage of antiseptic liquid hand washes, or sanitizers is recommended especially during the monsoons.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water intake may reduce naturally because of the sudden drop in the temperature of the environment. It is good to drink plenty of water and do not wait to get thirsty to drink water.Drinking clean, purified water helps fight against and prevent many illnesses, both directly and indirectly This will help you drain toxins from your body. A well-hydrated body is better equipped to resist the infection.

Watch Out your Intake

Try to eat nutritious food and avoid eating out during rainy season. Prepare meal with full precaution and maintain health and hygiene throughout the house.

Prevent Wet Walls

Close your windows when it is raining heavily to prevent rain from entering the house. Walls take a lot of time to dry and may result in the growth of fungus, which is especially bad for children suffering from asthma or diabetes.

Avoid Stagnation

Empty unused tanks of stored water, water coolers, flower pots, etc. and clean them thoroughly. Ensure that there is no stagnant water either in your house or in your neighbourhood. Stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, parasites and anaerobic bacteria. It is the main cause of potent water-borne illnesses such as Malaria and Dengue.

While it is alright to let children play in the rain, do not allow them play in or near puddles and water-logged areas which are essentially stagnant water reserves. Using mosquito repellents is of utmost importance during this season.

This monsoon drink only filtered and boiled water, within 24 hours of boiling. In order to keep germ attack at bay, drink lots of herbal tea like ginger tea, lemon tea etc. If you are not a tea person, then prefer hot vegetable soup this weather.

Pay special attention before consuming any fruits and vegetables, especially leafy vegetables, because they play host to many larvae, dust and worms. To get rid of all these bacteria’s, run them under water. The other best option available is to stem them soaking the greens in salt water for about 10 minutes can help remove insects.

This monsoon, cook your food thoroughly. Eating raw or uncooked foods means you are inviting trouble for yourself.

Instead of garam-garam bhajjiyas, try freshly cooked or freshly cut fruits and vegetables.

Moderation is the key, during all season especially during monsoons as the body finds it harder to digest food quickly. In order to enhance your digestion, consume foods like garlic, pepper, ginger, turmeric and coriander.

Non-veg lovers please prefer light meals like soups and stews rather than heavy non-veg dishes.

Though it’s difficult to resist the street food during monsoon, but stay as far as possible away from all that, as they can be filled with various germ causing diseases.

Avoid eating stale or leftover food.

Clean and thoroughly wash your chopping board before using them. Wash your hands before handling food, after eating food, after visiting the toilet. Maintain good cleanliness of yours.

Use insect repellents, disinfectants and take proper precautions to stay away from mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches termites etc. Use neem camphor or cloves; to minimize the presence of mosquitoes.

Eat healthy to be hale and hearty this monsoon!

HEALTH TIPS – for skin infections during the monsoon in New born

Give homoeopathy with these protections to make sure health of your child. They are as follows:

Don’t overdress your baby. Loose fitting, light cotton clothes are the best. If it gets cold, then a light jacket with some pants or leggings should be just enough to keep him warm. Keep a thin blanket handy.

Keep your baby away from people who have skin infections.

Trim your baby’s nails to prevent him scratching and spreading the infection.

Keep your baby clean to prevent the buildup of sweat, dirt and grime on his skin. Give him regular baths or wipe him often with a clean wet cloth.

Keep your baby dry. Ensure that you dry your baby thoroughly after a bath, especially in the areas where the skin folds.

Keep your surroundings clean and insect-free. insects bite, like wasp stings or spider bites, can cause serious allergies or worsen an infection. If this happens, consult your doctor immediately.

To conclude, let’s not panic that monsoon is on! Nature is always in flux, so is the living beings are. The thoughts and cells of human being are also in flux. Monsoon is the natural phenomena and we are born out of nature then how can it be harmful to us. Only reason is we are going away nature! Homoeopathy, based on natural laws, is there to protect you and your children. Go with nature and go with homoeopathy and keep HEALTHy. . .

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