Agrawal Homoeo Clinic

Monsoon related general care and precaution for diabetics

Diabetes is on the rise in India. Both, urban and rural areas are getting affected. Covid and its treatment is the most important reason for this rise apart from your life-style which is very important to look for. Also, monsoon is approaching soon and requires to know about the care of diabetes. Today, AHC will discuss about the ways of caring diabetics in monsoon. Also, one should know about the care of the foot specially in such weather.

Monsoon is basically a season of change. The change begins from the change in direction of winds. At this time sea winds merge with land winds and by rest of other changes cause lot of pouring of water. For many people, this change is a welcome change, however for the other lot; this might not be the case. But, the CHANGE in the season leads to change in almost everything that includes your health, too. With Monsoon season there is an increase in general health problems for anyone. This may be as a result of meteoric and telluric causes like water logging and contamination; there is a visible increase in incidence of water-borne diseases like Gastroenteritis, Cholera, Hepatitis, etc. or as a result of Vector-borne diseases due to insects bite like Viral Fevers, Dengue, Malaria, etc. Moreover, this weather do impact mind, emotions of the human beings. Due to Humidity and climatic change and/or direct getting wet in Monsoon, also there is rise in upper respiratory tract infections, such as Pharyngitis, bronchitis. There is also a rise in incidence of acuteness in patients of Chronic Bronchitis and Asthmatic patients. Also, we see rise in skin infections involving the foot skin as a result of direct contact of contaminated water.

Diabetes mellitus is a perpetual disease which stays with a person throughout. To deal with this disease, the concerned patient and everyone around him must be aware of the effects of this weather on the patient so as to avoid further complications. A diabetic patient must take special care of themselves during this season as any sort of neglect could add woes to their conditions.

It is seen that when any infection comes in diabetics, it is a kind of biological stress in the person for which the living system reacts and in this reaction, the sugar in blood rises. This rise comes in the proportion of the magnitude of infection. Hence needs some caring tips as below:

  1. In the condition of water-borne diseases, patients suffer with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite may lead to water loss from body resulting in dehydration. In diabetics, such dehydration and necessary less caloric intake of diet may worsen the condition. And, if the same ongoing diabetic medicine is continued there is chance of developing hypoglycemia. In such a situation, adequate hydration needs to be maintained with plenty of liquids intake to avoid dehydration. Homoeopathy can come here as a rescue to quickly cure this infection and put the person at the rest.
  2. Diabetes over a period of time has also become associated with Hypertensive and both these diseases double the chances of having their kidney involved in a serious health issue. This can lead to Kidney Injury (Renal Failure). One might even witness a progression of Nephropathy if proper hydration is not properly maintained.
  3. On the other hand if blood sugar is not under well control, such infections may get aggravated leading to sepsis/septicemia, as a result of acquired infection. Moreover, there may be an increased chance of severe complications of Diabetes like Ketoacidosis or Non Ketotic Hyperglycemia or Lactic Acidosis which may induce life threatening complications in a Diabetic patient. One needs to keep their blood sugar levels under good control and seek medical advice at early stage to avoid serious implications.
  4. Foot infections may also aggravate. Simple boil, corn or cuts might look small from outside, but if a diabetic patient catches any of these infections, then it can spread beneath their skin and result in deep abscess or cellulitis, which is known to cause partial or total limb amputation, if left unattended. It is more pronounced and goes unnoticed by diabetic patients because if they have Neuropathy, then the person may not feel pain sensation. One must always keep their blood sugar under control and regularly check their foot for any such corn, redness, cuts, and if they find anything abnormal, then without any further delay should seek medical advice from a homoeopathic doctor. One must also wear proper fitting shoes.

Caring for Your Feet
There are many things you can do to keep your feet healthy.

  • Check your feet every day. Look at your bare feet for red spots, cuts, swelling, corn, blisters and any sort of abnormality. If you cannot see the bottoms of your feet, use a mirror or ask someone for help. Don’t forget to report immediately in case of symptoms.
  • Be more active. Plan your physical activity program and follow it religiously.
  • Wash your feet every day. Dry them carefully, especially between the toes.
  • Keep your skin soft and smooth.Use a moisturizer or cream to keep your skin soft and smooth.
  • If you can see and reach your toenails, trim them when needed. Trim your toenails straight across and file the edges with an emery board or nail file.
  • Wear shoes and socks at all times. Never walk barefoot. Wear comfortable shoes that fit well and protect your feet. Check inside your shoes before wearing them. Make sure the lining is smooth and there are no objects inside.
  • Protect your feet from hot and cold. Wear shoes at the beach or on hot pavement. Don’t put your feet into hot water. Test water before putting your feet in it just as you would before bathing a baby. Never use hot water bottles, heating pads, or electric blankets. You can burn your feet without even realizing it.
  • Keep the blood flowing to your feet. Put your feet up when sitting. Wiggle your toes and move your ankles up and down for 5 minutes, two (2) or three (3) times a day. Don’t cross your legs for long periods of time. Don’t smoke.
  • Homoeopathic lotion: do make a lotion or oil by mixing Arjuna Q (Homoeopathic medicine) with olive oil in equal quantity and apply every morning and evening on your feet.

So, with these change in season, let change of mood be the only constant factor. Follow the above tips and tricks and protect yourself from impending danger of monsoon specific diseases. Most importantly, take good care of your feet and control your blood sugar levels and hydration in this season. AHC is just a message or call away for any queries in respect of this condition.

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Dr Pankaj
Dr Pankaj
Dr. Pankaj Aggarwal, a renowned Homeopathic Physician in Delhi, has many successful cases credited to his name. Also, having family tradition of homoeopathy, his father Dr. M.L. Agrawal, was a world renowned doctor. He is the Director of Agrawal Homoeo Clinic. He started his practice in AHC on 14-feb-1991. Homoeopathy is something he has been learning since his childhood by observing his father.

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